Sunday 8 March 2020

Adrift Among The Stars

Hi Guys,

Short post this time. Just to tell you all that Adrift is out.

It's a space opera about a man who's abducted by aliens, rescued by alien police and then just wants to get back home to Earth. The book continues the theme from The Travel Bug, that alien really means alien - not people with funny noses and extends it to their worlds, pointing out that it's unlikely we'll ever be able to just wander around safely on alien worlds in a T-shirt etc. But mostly it's just a romp in space with a lot of twists.

I hope you enjoy it.

Cheers, Greg.


  1. Just bought it, I'm sure it's great. I wanted to let you know that Amazon's following page is messed up. I follow 55 authors but my following page will only display about 15; so now I have to wait for Amazon to publish your book on the "Following Update" page before I can buy it. I know it's only a difference of a couple of days to a week but I still feel cheated.

  2. I hope you enjoy the book.

    Cheers, Greg.

  3. I finished the book and I really liked it. I thought that the protagonist, is that the right word, was thoughtfully and extensively written out. His fear and worries balanced against his need to find his way home and how he comes to deal with everything and still succeed really worked for me. I also liked the fact that he had a happy ending. I know that I'm sappy and want the 'Good Guy to get the girl, Kill the bad guy, and save the day' but why not. It's fiction! And I like Greg Cutis' Fiction. Go Keewee!

  4. Hi,

    I'm glad you liked it.

    Cheers, Greg.
