Saturday 6 April 2024

Finally Freaksville!

 Hi Guys,

Yes - it has finally happened! After an entire year of failed promises, Freaksville has finally gone to Amazon! And I can't even begin to tell you how happy I am! (Or is that relieved?)

The book as you know has been a struggle. I've written and re-written it so many times that I can't even remember what it looked like at the start. There have been multiple attempts at a cover - I'm really pleased with the one that I finally got out of Deep Dream. And the blurb actually had me pulling my hair out!

But it's finally done. A 136 K of science fiction, genetic engineering and urban fantasy, all set in the fictional town of Freaksville (Arundale) where witches do battle with one another in the streets and humans stay clear of them if they know what's good for them! Where the mist rises and falls and people arrive and leave. And of course where there are soldiers patrolling the streets, making sure no one escapes the quarantine zone. Meanwhile on the horizon there are sea monsters and six legged cats and battle!

And standing in the middle of it are Frank Fischer - a mechanical engineer trapped in the town - and Rina Crofter, a faerie and orchardist from the other side of the mist. And as their romance blossoms, while all around chaos rages and war looms, the conflicting plans of all the different factions slowly come into focus.

Anyway it's written and my eyeballs are trying to burn their way out of their sockets. Most of all I need coffee. And so I wish you all a great time and hope you enjoy the book.

And of course, be good or don't get caught!

Cheers, Greg.

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