Tuesday 16 May 2023

I Have Entered The Modern Age!

 Hi Guys,

Yes, it's true. I have finally entered the modern age - though admittedly I was dragged into it kicking and screaming. Or put another way, my old land line died. So yes, now I have a cell phone! (Five or ten years behind the rest of the world!)

I'd like to be able to say I love it - but I don't. It looks pretty enough, but my fingers are too clumsy to push the keys on the screen - and for some reason it seems to click on keys before I even touch them. It's not like a proper keyboard at all. And I can't tell you how infuriating that is when I'm trying to enter my fifteen digit password! (Maybe the guy at the shop was right about using a shorter one!) And even when I'm sure I've entered the password correctly, it doesn't work! It just keeps telling me to try again in thirty seconds. One of these days those thirty seconds are going to be the length of time it has left to live!

As you can guess things have not been quiet in the house. There has been an awful lot of yelling at the damned machine! Enough that the cats keep running away - or staring at me as if I'm having some sort of fit!

So anyway, I guess it's back to the Spark store to get the password changed, and then to pray that in time the world goes back to the glorious age of land lines and actual buttons! (And yes, I do see the irony in that - a writer of science fiction unable to deal with even current technology! I may actually be a technophobe! But I comfort myself with the fact that many writers even in this computer age, use typewriters or even write by hand. I'm in good company.)

In the meantime, somewhere between screaming like a two year old on crack at the phone and pulling my hair out, I have been writing. Jumping as I usually do, between several different books. But a couple of them are close to completion at least - including the long promised Freaksville. All while I wait nervously for the first reviews of Moody Rockers.

Anyway, cheers, for now. 


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