Friday 25 November 2022

So I Can See Again!!!

 Hi guys,

So the good news is I got through the cataract surgery on my left eye, and it went sort of alright. Sadly I've got something called negative photopsia in the eye, which is something I'd never heard of. It's basically a black border on the outside of my vision, but which will hopefully go away in a few months. If not optomotrists have a cure - sort of. It's called wearing glasses with thick black rims until you stop noticing! (And no, I'm not kidding!)

The bad news is that I got my vision changed to far sight, which makes it difficult to read the computer screen. In short I need reading glasses. 

 And the really bad news is that now that I can see again - I'm starting to see all the typos in my latest books! Bugger! (Guess what I'm going to be doing over the coming month!!!)

But with my new and improved vision in one eye, I finally managed to complete another book - The Keeper - which is a change from my usual fare. It's a straight detective. (Actually when I listed it on Amazon they let me put it in a category called Female Sleuths which seemed to fit perfectly.) So no magic, no spaceships just a crime - and a whole lot of lions! (Also a lot of very bad language and some poor jokes!)

Don't know why I decided to complete this book now, but it's been sitting on my computer for a couple of years and I suddenly felt the need to go back to it. That's the way we pantsters roll I suppose.

Anyway, I'm finally back at it now that I can see the computer screen from more than six inches away. I don't think I'll be able to get Bound out before January - it only needs a few more chapters, but then come the revisions and edits. (And that doesn't include the fact that I might get side tracked again!) But at least my writing speed is up to normal again.

Hope you're all doing well etc, and if you are looking at cataract surgery, do check out negative photopsia - it's actually quite common.

Cheers, Greg.

Wednesday 5 October 2022

Out Of Darkness

 Hi Guys,

Yes - Farry is finally published. It only took two years, give or take, got a new title - Out of Darkness -, and got rewritten half a dozen times! It also increased in size by 70 thousand words!

But some books are difficult - and this one has been a nightmare. The main problem has been the ending. I've had to rewrite it so many times to find the one that worked best. (Which sounds odd when there were only two possible endings - Farry was either going to end up with his former wife or his girlfriend - but there you have it!)

Still it's done and I still have a little hair left on my head!

But one thing I do have to say is that this is quite a heavy book. It starts off in a very dark place, which is why the ending was so tricky to write. I couldn't have my main man begin in such a bad place and end there as well. Yet given where he'd started it was always going to be impossible for him to find a perfectly happy ending. (Oh the problems of authors - always having to do the best we can for our characters! It's a heavy responsibility!)

Anyway I'm glad to finally have it finished so I can move on to something else - something lighter. And in the meantime I can wait for my eye surgery which shouldn't be too far away now. Really looking forwards to having someone come at my eye with a knife! And it'll be both eyes in time!

But that's life for me at the moment. I hope all of you are doing well, and best of wishes to any of you caught up in Hurricane Ian. It sounds really bad and I wish there was something I could say to help. But all I can really say is keep your chins up. I'm sure things will work out in time. They normally do even when things seem darkest.

Cheers, Greg.




Thursday 18 August 2022

Conway - Ancient Space Travelling Humans In The Tropics Space Opera - On The Way.

Hi Guys,

Thought I'd let you know that I haven't been completely bone idle this past month or so. (I tried to be, but people and especially the cats wouldn't allow it!)

So this is the next book coming off the press - probably very shortly since it's already been through it's main revisions and edits. It's another ancient humans  from the stars space opera book - I sort of like that theme - with a few tweaks from other books. It may be slightly heavier than the Barton Villa books, and it's somewhat cynical about governments and rule (I'm just feeling that way a little lately!)

But the cover from 123RF looks glorious. Wierdest space craft I've ever seen and I love it! Actually it's supposed to be a shuttle - a futuristic steampunk space shuttle?! It took me a fair bit to get it looking like that by the way. This is the original image I purchased:



The original brilliant image is by 3000AD

And this is the first time ever the AGFA filter in Photoscape has actually been useful for me! But it gave me the start of the green grass. Then I had to use practically every other filter there was to bring up the colour and vibrancy and add some sky. It took me ages. But I love the result! It's not bad for a blind man! (At least until my cataract surgery in a few months!) 

But here's the thing - why shouldn't space craft be colourful?! Especially alien ones?! Why do they have to follow the set layout of colours and shapes - mostly metallic cylinders with pointed noses and stubby wings that the world seems to dictate? I'm not sure what the design language of this image is - kitchen utensil perhaps? - it looks to me like on of those old style loose tea brewing spoons - but I hope 3000AD has a few more of these coming!

Anyway the book is on the way, and hopefully not long after that I'll be able to actually see the computer screen again!

Cheers, Greg.




Friday 1 July 2022

It's out!!!

 Hi Guys,

Just to let you know, A Farmer's Tale is finally out! And man - this one has been a struggle! Not only did it keep growing and growing - I think it has finally ended up at 170 K - a lot of the time I spent writing, rewriting and then immediately unwriting it. I don't know how many revisions it's had. And then it had multiple edits while my eyes tried to commit suicide in my head!

But it's finally done and I feel good about it. Hugely relieved too - there were times when I doubted I would ever get it done. And now I'm sitting here wondering what to do next - is it finally time to take up drinking? (I've been watching a youtube film reviewer a bit lately - the Drinker - and he makes it sound like so much fun!)

A Farmer's Tale is an epic fantasy set in a world with multiple races and realms, most of them just a tiny step away from the traditional ones, and of course some demons - different ones for each race. I also tried to get rid of the idea of an uber powerful villain in this one. There is one - but he's no James Bond type Doctor No and you barely get to see him. He also does what he does for understandable if not acceptable reasons. I wanted this story to be less about over the top mad men and the battle to defeat them, and more about the struggle to survive what they've unleashed.

The other theme I made use of in this work was that small things, minor magics, could in time bring about the most terrible consequences. It's just a matter of adding that spell in the right (or wrong) place.In that it's not so much different to a disease. Just think of all the times and places in history where a disease like small pox has been introduced to a new population - and then see the absolutely horrible outcomes. Maybe it's not a nuclear bomb going off, but in time the results may actually be far worse.

Anyway it's out, and I'm exhausted. So I hope you'll all enjoy the book, while I'll enjoy a good long rest - and maybe a beer!

Cheers, Greg..

Sunday 22 May 2022

A Farmer's Tale

 Hi Guys,

Good news, for once. I just polished off the first draft of a new book - A Farmer's Tale. So hopefully it should be out in the next month. 

 The odd thing about it is that A Farmer's Tale wasn't one of the half dozen or so books that was on my to do list. It was something that I'd half written and then put aside meaning to complete, years ago. But then a couple of weeks ago I just suddenly felt the need to pick it up again. I suppose that's just life as a pantster!

The book is an epic fantasy - yes I'm returning a little bit to my writing roots, and it's a little bit like Maverick. It's centered around a guy called Arven who really isn't a wizard at all. He's a farmer with a few spells as he regularly tells his fellow mages. There are no wizards! (Which in his world is fairly accurate. There's also no staffs, spell books or flying broomsticks either. And spells are cast instinctively with no one knowing what the words that come out of their mouths or the gestures they make, mean. They just come to them. And magic is learned more or less by copying one another.) But as he is informed by the faen (faerie) Queens when everything turns to custard along with his life, he isn't meant to know the answers. He just knows the right questions to ask!

Anyway I'm deep into the book now, losing sleep as usual as the writing bug bites. But I thought I'd let you know that there is hope on the horizon. Oh and that image up top (which I love!), I might alter it a bit but it's the cover.

So best of luck with everything guys. And as always be good or don't get caught!

Cheers, Greg.

Tuesday 26 April 2022

Writing and Music

Hi Guys,


No books out at the moment I'm afraid. But half a dozen all sitting at the finish line just waiting for me to write the last chapter or two to push them over. I only wish I knew what to write! Sigh!

 But I thought I'd turn to another topic that's been on my mind lately - music and writing. No not what I listen to while I write - that's always silence. If I try to listen to music I end up stopping writing and just listening which means that nothing gets done. Rather this is about how  certain songs seem to serve as the inspiration for some of my stories.

 Probably every writer gets asked the obvious question - where do you get your ideas from? And my usual answer is to stare blankly back at people and say something like - all over the place! (I really hate that question!) But music is definitely one of the triggers for my ideas.

 I think I've told you once upon a time that Dragon was written with AC/DC's Thunderstruck constantly in my head. It is the entire theme of the book - hard driving rock building up to one explosive battle after another. Fantastic song by the way!

Thief - actually it was two books I was writing at the same time which somehow merged into one part way through - was inspired by the film Date With An Angel and in particular one song from that movie - Higher Love (the Steve Winwood original not the Kygo / Whitney Houston cover which I also love).

More recently I wrote Prince of Stars, and that's also based on a song - Southern Cross, by Crosby, Stills and Nash. I love that track and again the theme was what inspired the book. My hero was a man, a sailor, driven to set sail by a failed romance that he could never come to terms with. He could neither return to her, nor could he cut her off. In the song he is tied to her - tied with a silver chain. I even named the ship Music as a sort of tribute to the music.

And I also mentioned at one time that Pawn was based on that seventies telly show - The Aphrodite Inheritance (which is a little dated but still an engrossing story - and it's amazing to see seventies fashion!) But what I don't think I mentioned is that while I was writing that book the theme music for that show kept running through my head every time I sat down in front of the computer. It's surprisingly powerful despite being so light and melodic.

So I think looking back on my writing I can clearly say that music is one of my most important inspirations. But it's not the only one by any means.

My point in this post is really just to say for all you budding authors out there, that ideas can come from anywhere. Maybe also to add that while everyone says to write what you know to anyone looking to write a book - I would add a second line - write what you love! I should also mention that currently I've been listening to a bit of Huey Lewis and Heart. Can't wait to find out what they might inspire me to write! (And how the woman in the graphic by Quarkmaster will feature!)

Cheers, Greg.

Saturday 19 March 2022

So A Funny Thing Happened ... !

Hi Guys,



Yes, you guessed it - the Barton Villa bug grabbed me again! This is the problem with being a pantster - I never know what I'm going to write next.

But I'm really happy with this book. I'd missed that crazy island and it's characters, even after I had so successfully ended the previous trilogy by sending everyone off to Mars to live happily ever after. It's a little like that old sweat shirt you put away in the closet which you think you'll never wear again because it's a bit faded and maybe it's got a loose thread here and there. And then one day you find youself thinking about it and pulling it out because you really liked it.

So that's what happened to me. But as I swung into it again, I decided that I had to make a few changes. For a start I didn't want to bring Moncrief Jones out of retirement - I mean the man's been shot, beaten up, in a car crash and suffered numerous other horrid injuries. It's getting old. So I thought I should let him be. At least for now. (But who knows, there could be another good beating in his future!)

I also wanted it to be a harder, edgier sort of book. More a Sam Watson type story - and you know she's always ready with her gun - and it's trained on the bad guy's nuts!!!

The other thing I did was to go back to the racism theme I explored in book three. I don't know why exactly but something about all the Black Lives Matter protests and the police killing of George Floyd etc, has really got under my skin a little. You can't watch that horrible event and not think to yourself, just what the hell is he doing? It just goes on and on. Also the John Griffin story - Black Like Me - has stayed with me for a long time. Not just the experience of a white reporter medically altering himself to appear black and experience life as such, but the reaction he got after what he'd done was revealed. It really is a thought provoking story. So I returned to that and made the bad guys the white supremacists who had united into a world wide movement. (Something about that feels horribly close to the bone lately.)

The other thing I should mention is that us sci fi writers are supposed to pose questions about the future etc and of course various technological advances coming. The genetic manipulation needed to change a person's skin colour from white to black or any other colour of the rainbow, is probably only five to ten years away. The ethics involved in doing so however are light years beyond us!

So just think - what are you going to do when your son or your daughter comes to you one day and says - I want to be black / or white / or yellow? Makes you think, doesn't it!

Anyway that's where the book comes from, and I hope people enjoy it.

Cheers, Greg.

Saturday 12 February 2022

Progress At Last!

Hi Guys,




Yes, it's happened at last. Gorgon's Run is finished and out. And I'm absolutely thrilled about that! There was a time there that I thought I'd never finish it. That I'd never even be able to get out of bed again!

Thankfully I seem to have started healing - though oddly the nurses who visit me still say there's a gaping golf ball sized hole in my back which is going to take maybe months more before it closes over. (I did get my sister to take some pictures and was going to show you guys, but she says no. It's just too horrible to look at! Even better, the cyborg bandage was removed from my back and I can now walk about freely without tripping over cords and tupes or listening to the non-stop chugging of the pump sucking the endless ooze out of the wound. (Whoever invented that thing is an evil genius - and not in a good way!)

I'm still not a hundred percent yet. Mostly I'm just tired - and my back itches like crazy - probably because it's reacting to the adhesives of the bandages holding everything together. That ironically leaves me back at square one, looking for door posts to rub against like a cat!!! (Which reminds me - must start sterilizing them so I don't end up developing more abscesses  again!)


By the way - have to say that the district nurses who visit me every couple of days and all the staff at Rotorua Hospital are absolutely wonderful. We don't give enough praise to our healthcare people.


Anyway, Gorgon's Run is out in Kindle, paperback - and for the first time ever - hardback. (Can't wait to see what that looks like!) You'll notice that the covers are different - it's simply because the book sizes are all slightly different. And in case you're wondering what it's all about - here's the blurb:


Gorgon's Run

Life as a rural detective in the Waikato wasn't what Clem had always dreamed of. He wanted to investigate homicides not missing farm equipment. And to add to his woes his commander hated him. But he was a gorgon. He might hiss a bit, but he would endure.

Then he was handed the worst murder possible. One he couldn't solve because it had been committed by magic. The Council could never allow the existence of magic and magical creatures to be revealed to the world.

A thief's life was a better one, and Acadia was pleased with what she did. Until the night the FBI rang her up to tell her her baby sister had been killed. Then she was plunged into a world of grief and pain. Worse, she found herself immersed in a world of the supernatural as she investigated the murder. Of wizards and gods and ancient Greek myths. A world she'd never even imagined.

And somewhere in the middle of it all were the revenants.

As always, best of luck to you all, and be good or don't get caught!

Cheers, Greg.

Thursday 20 January 2022

Here's Hoping For A Better New Year

Hi Guys,
Running a little behind schedule with my writing at the moment - as usual! But once again I have an excuse!!!
In my case it began with a boil or a pimple on my back, somewhere about the middle of December. No big deal you'd think - except that it itched abominably and was right between my shoulder blades which drove me a little crazy. So for the next week or so I was imitating my cats, and rubbing myself like crazy against door posts.  But I live alone and the cats didn't say anything, so so what?!

Then whatever it was on my back became infected. So I trundled off to the Doc's and got some antibiotics as you do and for a time I thought everything was coming right. Until it wasn't Somewhere around the start of the New Year the antibiotics ran out and I just started getting sicker and sicker. We're talking major fever and incredible pain as if someone had a fist full of broken glass in my back and was squeezing. Which finally resulted in my calling for an ambulance in the middle of the night.

Roll on from there and I got to spend a few nights in the ED while they cut out a couple of absesses out of my back, one of which was the size of a golf ball, and then got to enjoy uncomfortable hospital beds for the rest of the week - though the food was fantastic!
After that they sent me home with a cyborg bandage - I'm not kidding! The damned thing is a bandage that the district nurses keep applying to my back every few days and which comes with its own suction pump that I have to carry everywhere. And every few days they cart away another cup full of ooze from my back. They tell me they'll be doing this for the next two months! Meanwhile I'm utterly exhausted, my back both itches and aches constantly, and it has become very hard to think about anything for more than a couple of seconds. Hence the reason I'm so far behind in my writing. And the nurses keep taking photos of my back! They say it looks a little like a bullet wound!

All because of a boil!

I"m not sure what the lesson here is. Don't scratch? Always keep your door posts nice and sterile? Maybe just that I'm getting older and more prone to these sorts of things? And it's more dangerous in the height of summer when you're sweating constantly? Or perhaps that I'm just a natural living pus factory!

Anyway, the upshot is that I haven't done any writing or editing for about a month. But the good news is that Gorgon's Run has still been through three complete edits, and I'm hoping as I start to find a little more energy, that I'll be able to do the final pass through before the end of the month and publish it. There's always hope!

So that's been the end of 2021 and the start 0f 2022 for me. Not the best of times really. But I suppose I've lost a little weight which is always good. I hope all of you have had better starts to the year and with a little luck, my next post will be to tell you that Gorgon's Run is out and Farry is nearly ready to start going through editing.

So cheers and a Happy new year to you all.

Cheers, Greg.