Friday 24 January 2020

New Years Blues!

Hi Guys,

Well I meant to start this year off with a bang (no not the one half of you are thinking of!). But things haven't gone quite according to plan. At least not my plan!

Still, there is some good news. Manx' first draft is done, and as soon as I've finished the first draft of my current space opera - sadly it can't be titled Lost in Space even though that precisely describes the plot - I'll move into the starting edit.

Manx is the story of a man who can talk to cats - but who would want to! A cat who's really above all the troubles in her servants' lives and just wants to be fed and groomed and maybe have a nice shoe or two to take a dump in! And a three eyed woman who can see into other realms. After all what would be the point of a third eye if it didn't let you do that! I suspect the book cover is going to be a problem!

The bad news is that summer has finally arrived in Rotorua, and as I sit here typing, I'm more or less dissolving in front of the keyboard - which may or may not be melting. It's hard to tell when your eyeballs are sweating!

Anyway, I'll try to keep going through the heat and the perspiration. And I'll bravely ignore the cries of my neighbors as they discover that I'm typing in the nude! (Hysterical blindness isn't a real thing!!!) And I hope you all have a great year.

Cheers, Greg.


  1. Well, I can't say that I blame your neighbors and their response to your mode of typing but I can say that I couldn't stop laughing when reading your post. As always I look forward to reading your books and "Save me Will Robinson" while not a cat fan I was just informed by my wife that we are getting a cat when we move into our retirement home in 6 months. (I get a dog so maybe he will eat the cat, win win)
    Enjoy your summer while we in California freeze to death (does the water really spin backwards when you flush it)

  2. Hi,

    Everyone's a cat fan! The cats have spoken on that! But seriously I think you'll like having a cat. I miss my Tab who was taken from me late last year due to hyper-thyroidism and kidney failure. And no - the water spins the right way here - it's everywhere else where it's backwards!

    Cheers, Greg.
