Saturday 12 February 2022

Progress At Last!

Hi Guys,




Yes, it's happened at last. Gorgon's Run is finished and out. And I'm absolutely thrilled about that! There was a time there that I thought I'd never finish it. That I'd never even be able to get out of bed again!

Thankfully I seem to have started healing - though oddly the nurses who visit me still say there's a gaping golf ball sized hole in my back which is going to take maybe months more before it closes over. (I did get my sister to take some pictures and was going to show you guys, but she says no. It's just too horrible to look at! Even better, the cyborg bandage was removed from my back and I can now walk about freely without tripping over cords and tupes or listening to the non-stop chugging of the pump sucking the endless ooze out of the wound. (Whoever invented that thing is an evil genius - and not in a good way!)

I'm still not a hundred percent yet. Mostly I'm just tired - and my back itches like crazy - probably because it's reacting to the adhesives of the bandages holding everything together. That ironically leaves me back at square one, looking for door posts to rub against like a cat!!! (Which reminds me - must start sterilizing them so I don't end up developing more abscesses  again!)


By the way - have to say that the district nurses who visit me every couple of days and all the staff at Rotorua Hospital are absolutely wonderful. We don't give enough praise to our healthcare people.


Anyway, Gorgon's Run is out in Kindle, paperback - and for the first time ever - hardback. (Can't wait to see what that looks like!) You'll notice that the covers are different - it's simply because the book sizes are all slightly different. And in case you're wondering what it's all about - here's the blurb:


Gorgon's Run

Life as a rural detective in the Waikato wasn't what Clem had always dreamed of. He wanted to investigate homicides not missing farm equipment. And to add to his woes his commander hated him. But he was a gorgon. He might hiss a bit, but he would endure.

Then he was handed the worst murder possible. One he couldn't solve because it had been committed by magic. The Council could never allow the existence of magic and magical creatures to be revealed to the world.

A thief's life was a better one, and Acadia was pleased with what she did. Until the night the FBI rang her up to tell her her baby sister had been killed. Then she was plunged into a world of grief and pain. Worse, she found herself immersed in a world of the supernatural as she investigated the murder. Of wizards and gods and ancient Greek myths. A world she'd never even imagined.

And somewhere in the middle of it all were the revenants.

As always, best of luck to you all, and be good or don't get caught!

Cheers, Greg.

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