Thursday 20 January 2022

Here's Hoping For A Better New Year

Hi Guys,
Running a little behind schedule with my writing at the moment - as usual! But once again I have an excuse!!!
In my case it began with a boil or a pimple on my back, somewhere about the middle of December. No big deal you'd think - except that it itched abominably and was right between my shoulder blades which drove me a little crazy. So for the next week or so I was imitating my cats, and rubbing myself like crazy against door posts.  But I live alone and the cats didn't say anything, so so what?!

Then whatever it was on my back became infected. So I trundled off to the Doc's and got some antibiotics as you do and for a time I thought everything was coming right. Until it wasn't Somewhere around the start of the New Year the antibiotics ran out and I just started getting sicker and sicker. We're talking major fever and incredible pain as if someone had a fist full of broken glass in my back and was squeezing. Which finally resulted in my calling for an ambulance in the middle of the night.

Roll on from there and I got to spend a few nights in the ED while they cut out a couple of absesses out of my back, one of which was the size of a golf ball, and then got to enjoy uncomfortable hospital beds for the rest of the week - though the food was fantastic!
After that they sent me home with a cyborg bandage - I'm not kidding! The damned thing is a bandage that the district nurses keep applying to my back every few days and which comes with its own suction pump that I have to carry everywhere. And every few days they cart away another cup full of ooze from my back. They tell me they'll be doing this for the next two months! Meanwhile I'm utterly exhausted, my back both itches and aches constantly, and it has become very hard to think about anything for more than a couple of seconds. Hence the reason I'm so far behind in my writing. And the nurses keep taking photos of my back! They say it looks a little like a bullet wound!

All because of a boil!

I"m not sure what the lesson here is. Don't scratch? Always keep your door posts nice and sterile? Maybe just that I'm getting older and more prone to these sorts of things? And it's more dangerous in the height of summer when you're sweating constantly? Or perhaps that I'm just a natural living pus factory!

Anyway, the upshot is that I haven't done any writing or editing for about a month. But the good news is that Gorgon's Run has still been through three complete edits, and I'm hoping as I start to find a little more energy, that I'll be able to do the final pass through before the end of the month and publish it. There's always hope!

So that's been the end of 2021 and the start 0f 2022 for me. Not the best of times really. But I suppose I've lost a little weight which is always good. I hope all of you have had better starts to the year and with a little luck, my next post will be to tell you that Gorgon's Run is out and Farry is nearly ready to start going through editing.

So cheers and a Happy new year to you all.

Cheers, Greg.

1 comment:

  1. Hope you start feeling better soon Greg. Don't rush your book, we understand.
