Wednesday 5 October 2022

Out Of Darkness

 Hi Guys,

Yes - Farry is finally published. It only took two years, give or take, got a new title - Out of Darkness -, and got rewritten half a dozen times! It also increased in size by 70 thousand words!

But some books are difficult - and this one has been a nightmare. The main problem has been the ending. I've had to rewrite it so many times to find the one that worked best. (Which sounds odd when there were only two possible endings - Farry was either going to end up with his former wife or his girlfriend - but there you have it!)

Still it's done and I still have a little hair left on my head!

But one thing I do have to say is that this is quite a heavy book. It starts off in a very dark place, which is why the ending was so tricky to write. I couldn't have my main man begin in such a bad place and end there as well. Yet given where he'd started it was always going to be impossible for him to find a perfectly happy ending. (Oh the problems of authors - always having to do the best we can for our characters! It's a heavy responsibility!)

Anyway I'm glad to finally have it finished so I can move on to something else - something lighter. And in the meantime I can wait for my eye surgery which shouldn't be too far away now. Really looking forwards to having someone come at my eye with a knife! And it'll be both eyes in time!

But that's life for me at the moment. I hope all of you are doing well, and best of wishes to any of you caught up in Hurricane Ian. It sounds really bad and I wish there was something I could say to help. But all I can really say is keep your chins up. I'm sure things will work out in time. They normally do even when things seem darkest.

Cheers, Greg.




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