Thursday 25 November 2021

Gorgon's Run

Hi Guys,
Thought I'd just drop you a note to let you know that the next book is in process. The first draft is done and currently I'm busy revising it. The books called Gorgon's Run, and it's an urban fantasy, a little like the Wizard at Law series. (But possibly a bit darker in tone)) Hope fully it should be out in December, well before Christmas! It's also a little different in that the main hero is actually a gorgon! (And a police officer) The artwork for the cover camer from 123RF as a lot of my stuff does these days. But just to show you how I modified it, here's the original image I purchased.
And by the way - the monster may not actually be the villain of the piece. He may just be a lonely old sea monster looking for love!!! Aren't we all?!

Cheers, Greg


  1. I look forward to reading it. I know that the seasons are reversed down there so instead of a white christmas I wish you a Merry Christmas

  2. Happy new year Greg. Hope you were ok over Xmas

  3. Hi,

    Thanks for that. Unfortunately I actually ended up in hospital with an infection for a week which is why everything is running late. But now home and slowly mending.

    Cheers, Greg

  4. Damn! That's not fun. Take it easy and don't worry about the book being late.
